Food Security Collective
The Food Security Collective is made up of secular, humanist, and mutual aid communities all over the world responding to intolerable conditions in their own neighborhoods. Mutual aid and humanist advocates know this work is essential and stand in solidarity with organizers who bring food security to their neighborhoods, reducing local dependence on bosses, landlords, charities, religion, corporations, and the State.
Financial solidarity to the Disaster Resilience Collective is managed collectively by following communities:
- Atheists Helping the Homeless, DC–Helping People Without Homes provides compact nonperishable food and hydration for people who walk everywhere they go.
- Atheists Helping the Homeless — Phoenix holds twice monthly distributions of toiletries, hygiene items, basic clothing, and food.
- Atheists United (AU) partners with the Los Angeles Food Bank to distribute thousands of pounds of food every month. In the past year, they have expanded to include pet food and other necessities at their distribution events.
- Austin Atheists Helping the Homeless (Austin AHH) works with unhoused people. They support between 250 to 300 individuals with food and other necessities every month.
- Blue Trunk Garden Network has a mutual aid garden that shares produce and gardening support with food-insecure people. They also collect and distribute both hot and unprepared food.
- Central Florida Mutual Aid partners with area nonprofit Connecting Care Kitchens to buy excess produce from local organic farms and deliver it to shelters. They have also launched a Mutual Aid Garden Club to support food independence in local food deserts.
- Committee of Humanists for Safe Water and Food Sustenance (COHSWAFS) strives to solve some of the problems facing their poorest neighbors in Nigeria by providing clean water and food in times of emergency.
- Ethical Society of Zambia is creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people in a country where being gay is punishable by imprisonment; provides disaster response and resilience locally and in their sister communities in Malawi; builds literacy projects; and is growing a food security network.
- Fanm Viktim de Kay Lako is a group of women in Haiti working to address women's and children's hunger in their community as well as address violence against women in their community.
- Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix (HSGP) started serving and preparing food in 2020. In 2021, they launched weekly food giveaway events.
- Humanists of Tallahassee participates in a food giveaway organized by the local Trinity Church. With their inclusion in the Food Security Project, Humanists of Tallahassee will become a reliable source of supplies for the giveaway and help expand it to more locations.
- Humanists of West Florida organizes a weekly distribution of non-perishable food and water for people experiencing hunger and homelessness.
- Kasese Humanist School grows produce to provide a consistent food supply to students and staff at their school in rural Uganda.
- Kenya Humanist Alliance supports orphans and girls rescued from forced marriage by consistently funding their food and agriculture needs.
- Mouvement de la Jeunesse pour la Liberte de la Pensee en Haiti (MOJELIPH) is working to build a community restaurant in Cavaillon, Haiti, and in the meantime is working on addressing acute food insecurity.
- Neighborhood Fridge has created a decentralized network of community fridges and pantries that are open 24/7.
- SociologyEats! works to address food insecurity among graduate students in the Sociology Department at Texas A&M University.
- Southern Virginia Atheists, Skeptics, & Humanists (SEVASH) has two Free Food Pantries in Norfolk and Newport News Virginia that they maintain and keep stocked.
The Nonprofit Industrial Complex serves as the Food Security Collective's 501c3 fiscal sponsor and will be listed on your bank statement as such. NPIC takes no fees to serve as a sponsor and contributions to this project are tax-deductible.